Sierpinski Carpet Python Turtle Code
Turtle setposition x y will set the turtle s position to the coordinates you plug in.
Sierpinski carpet python turtle code. From turtle import make a screen and a pen pen pen screen screen pen speed 0 pen color orange pen width 1 5 def s n l. I am trying to create the sierpinski carpet in python using turtle. Colorful sierpinski carpet with python turtle. I am trying to write a program that draws a sierpinski tree with python using turtle.
Note that you need to make sure the turtle s pen is up otherwise it ll draw a line back to that. We ll generate the fractal recursively by breaking the triangle into three smaller triangles then breaking those small triangles into three smaller triangles and so on. Since it is impossible to draw infinitely many points on the screen there is a parameter k specifying which iteration you want and what it essentially does is limits the number of digits in each coordinate to k. Versions 2 and 3 plotscf gp and plotscf1 gp file functions for the load command are the only possible imitation of the fine functions in the gnuplot.
This is my code so far. Let s talk a little about the algorithm we ll use to go about drawing the sierpinski triangle. A turtle forward length a turtle right 360 sides counter counter 1. I m a python beginner so at the moment i can only see that you can slightly improve your code using range in the function draw polygon so instead of.
In these type of fractals a shape is divided into a smaller copy of itself removing some of the new copies and leaving the remaining copies in specific order to form new shapes of fractals. 0 0 is located at the center of the screen where the turtle first started. The sieprinski carpet is given by d 2 b 3 m 1 a 1 and the menger sponge is the same but with d 3. Pen right 45 s n 1 l pen left 90.
Quick sort animation with python and turtle with source code merge sort algorithm is fast but it requires additional array and additional copying. Plotting a sierpinski carpet fractal. Import turtle def draw sierpinski. You can change the speed of the turtle by doing turtle speed number.
Colorsys fractal hsv recursion. For i in range 4. Here is my idea. Pen left 90 s n 1 l pen right 45.
Implement quick sort. The sierpinski carpet is a plane fractal curve i e. Counter 0 while counter sides. Quick sort is even faster than merge sort.
This is the best code for sierpinski triangle. Python has a module called turtle that allows us to draw cool shapes very easily. A curve that is homeomorphic to a subspace of plane. Recursive sierpinski carpet using turtle graphics.
The code can look prettier and more pythonic too since the technique lets you get rid of the recursion.